
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Presentation: Anarchizona 2019 Talk
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Full video with PPT here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mLnwGHzOs41o/
The inaugural Anarchizona was a great success.
This speech is entirely different than my Anarchapulco / TDV summit talk.
The title of the talk is "The Greatest Economy Ever? Where we are and Where We're going"
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During this talk I give the contrarian view point of the so called "Economic miracle" the President and many economist are talking about. I explain what has gone on from a monetary policy perspective the past 10 years and really focus on the complete role reversal the FED just embarked on.
January 2017 I made a presentation called "The Trump Effect and why "good" news is bad news". Learn why the market has exploded to start the year and why now I'm dubbing what is going on "The Trump Effect and why BAD news is "good" news.
You won't want to miss this talk and you certainly won't want to miss anarchizona or anarchapulco next year.
Video will be on World Alternative Media and all the usual venues.
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Listen to the mp3 on your favorite platform: itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean
Also livestreaming on Dlive, Twitch and Facistbook
Video’s found on: Bitchute
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