
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
COLLAPSE Of The Housing Market IMMINENT! - Millions To Be Evicted!
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
On this episode of WAM Tim and Josh talk about the imminent collapse of the housing market alongside the global economy as eviction moratoriums are extended according to Kudlow.
28 million homeowners and renters (9 out of 100 Americans) were set to go homeless this week as moratoriums expired due to the massive shutdowns enforced unto the populace. The extension pushes off the inevitable a little bit longer but certainly only makes the long term problem worse.
With the Federal Reserve printing vast amounts of currency into the artificial stock market and the majority of people deferring on their mortgages, this is leading to an unprecedented strain on the already bubbled housing market (depending on the locale) which could easily buckle under the weight.
In this video we talk about the effects this will have on the housing market, homeowners, renters and the stock market as well as the absurdity of this central planning we're currently witnessing.
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSHYApq5XkA
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