
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Josh Sigurdson talks with Tim Picciott, The Liberty Advisor about the imminent collapse of the stock market...again.
As people praise near all time highs and everything looks great visually, people seem to forget that half the country is out of work and one in ten people are facing homelessness. So why would the stock market be going up? It's simple. The Federal Reserve is throwing money at it causing temporary deflation and long term inflation while making the stock market look bullish. In reality it's all fake. It is propping up an already existing bubble massively and it is bound to lead to an epic collapse. It simply cannot sustain itself on its own.
Tim explains his thoughts on the potential of a 20 to 30% correction.
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwRvOs9N664&t
or LBRY at https://lbry.tv/@WAM:0/experts-warn-of-another-imminent-stock:6
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Itunes: https://bit.ly/libertyadvisor
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