
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Iran Says Drop The Dolla As Torpedo's Holla
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
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Tim Picciott breaks down the latest news during a walk and talk video.
Over the weekend Iran's Foreign Crime Minister said the following: ""America's power rests on the dollar; a great part of America's economic power will go away if countries eliminate the dollar from their economic systems," Zarif said at a school even in Tehran."
Now only a few days later Iranian terror groups have allegedly torpedoed American Linked Oil Tankers in the straight of Hormuz.
Aside from the environmental disaster Tim gets into the history of many other similar false flag events that helped get the US into many other major wars.
Tim also discusses the Record MAY deficit and Trumps calls for a weak dollar.
Please note this video is also avail on Bit Chute: bitchute.com/thelibertyadvisor
All Tim's social media / podcast / video info located here: www.thelibertyadvisor.com/showlinks
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