
Friday May 03, 2019
Subprime Auto Is Collapsing Audio
Friday May 03, 2019
Friday May 03, 2019
Watch full video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbznvoJuTag
Auto loan video: John Sneisen and Tim Picciott report on the next auto loan bubble and how there is more than auto loans that are at risk and in bubble territory. We talk about how there are seven million auto loans in 90+ day delinquency and how all of the $228.9B in Auto loans have been used to issue Asset-Backed Security derivatives.
They talk about the similarities between the auto bubble and the real estate bubble in the US in 2008. The Eurozone is also involved with issuing auto backed securities wit Germany and France issuing the most derivatives on their banks auto loans.
There is no doubt there is a massive problem with the structure and the creation of derivatives. As Warren Buffet said, they are weapons of mass destruction.
You would think we learned from 2008 and the collateral debt obligation debacle, but as John and Tim conclude it seems like we have not learned much from our prior mistakes.
They provide evidence from SIFMA that shows that Asset-Backed Derivatives are now declining in outstanding derivatives the exact trend that happened in 2008. Coincidence? Maybe, but without the population understanding your car is not an asset until it gives you cash flow, we will continue to be tricked into unsustainable loans until the day we die.
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Video edited by Tim Picciott Featuring: John Sneisen and Tim Picciott Visit us at www.WorldAlternativeMedia.com
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