
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
On this episode of Declare Your Independence Tim is on his way back from The Red Pill Expo and what a time it was. The door to the Federal Reserve room was left unlocked and security was obliged to give Tim and his new acquaintances a ghost tour of the scene of the crime on Jekyll Island; The very room where the Federal Reserve Act was secretly penned, all those years ago. Many of the attendees at Red Pill didn't even know what the Federal Reserve even was. They were in the right place to learn. With the exception of one or two outliers there was no wearing of any masks at Red Pill Expo, nor was there any fear of contracting any virus. It was a momentous display of Freedom with over 600 in attendance on short notice. Contrary to the Freedom and Enlightenment of Red Pill Expo Tim took notice to the amount of "mask up" signs littered across the United States as he made his way to the Expo. A propagandist fear campaign if you had ever saw one.
Changing topics, Tim and Earnest discuss some politics. Has Dr. Shiva wised up to how politics really works too late in his political career? Will Donald Trump have the sElection stolen from him? Did the Libertarian party make a mistake with Jo Jorgensen? Find out on this segment of DYI!
And the last major topic of discussion in the hour is streaming and content sharing platforms. With the recent round of YouTube bannings hitting too close to home, you should be aware that there are viable alternatives to these monolithic platforms. You as a viewer or a content creator do not have to put up with the abuse or the censorship anymore.
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