
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
On this episode of Tim and John Show we jump right into things with Ray Dalio warning that the dollar's reserve status is under threat, and American's standard of living could suffer. As the Covid plandemic does more damage to the economy than 911, John and Tim question the official narrative of 911. Near 0 interest rates are causing difficulties for Canadian pension funds while bond markets are in trouble the world over. Rand Paul votes against wild stimulus spending at the same time Secretary Steve Mnuchin says now is not the time to worry about deficits. Biden supporters do not accept Joe Rogan's offer to host a 2020 Presidential debate. Bill Gates gives his bleak forecast for the future with no recovery or return to normal until 2022, and Gate's father, William Gates Sr., dies at age 94. The Federal Reserve has no hope of restoring interest rates to normal until 2023, and Venezuela experiences another hyperinflation. Tim and John weigh in on whether a debt jubilee would solve anything, or just collapse the system faster. Check out The Red Pill EXPO and all their great speakers this year live in person on Jekyll Island, birthplace of the infamous Federal Reserve. Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng, claims she has proof the corona virus did indeed come from a lab in China. The IRS is offering a bounty to build a tracking solution for Monero, and Tim and John try to figure out what in the world is polkadot. JP Morgan warns of 200 billion dollars in forced selling at the end of September; Tim Picciott explains the reasoning behind it. And finally John Sneisen wraps things up with a break down of asset ownership in the US as a segment of population, and a cursory glance at underfunded state pension funds in the US.
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krqdGUQ4a0o
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