
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
On this special episode of The Tim and John Show we are joined today by our guest, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island, G Edward Griffin, and we couldn't have started our discussion off with a more appropriate topic than the Federal Reserve. Did Trump nationalize the FED, or did the FED privatize the Government? Who is responsible for the organized chaos perpetrated under the sentiments of black lives matter and antifa? Why does President Trump allow the chaos to continue?
In our next segment Mr. Griffin gives us his insight into NESARA/GESARA and the QANON movement with an anecdote about "The White Dove". A tale of an anonymous leaker with credible information promising that the good guys are in control; sounding eerily similar to Q and his "white hats" one has to ask themselves . . . Is Q a psyop? Moving on from QANON we ask what should the role of government be? To which Griffin responds, There is no role for government to play. Free people do not wish to be governed. It should really be called a Protectorate.
In our final segment Tim and John ask what are the biggest threats facing mankind today, and the answer might not be what you were thinking. We touch on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the political powder keg that has been lit by her passing. With the political landscape seemingly about to go super nova we ask; If martial law is declared, would it make a difference who called it? And to round things out we point out that it's been a full year since the quiet reintroduction of repurchase agreements, a bank to bank overnight lending market used to keep banks out of insolvency. And coming in hot right on the heels of the repo market madness we have the plandemic. Was the plandemic used as a smokescreen for an already collapsing corporate debt pile? Will negative interest rates force savings out of cash and into risky markets?
If you enjoyed our guest today please check out The Red Pill EXPO at https://redpillexpo.org/
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L84Mt3ZYXs
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