
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
In this episode Tim and John discuss The September Effect. Are we experiencing normal market volatility? Or are we on the cusp of a market meltdown? Banks continue to launder money for criminals, oligarchs, and terrorists to the tune of $2 TRILLION DOLLARS! John Sneisen takes a closer look at the Bank of Japan balance sheet as we discuss "the Japanification" of the Western world. Big news in the crypto space; Kraken Exchange is now a bank. Exchange CEO Jesse Powell was happy to announce on Twitter that the State of Wyoming has approved Kraken’s application to form the world’s first Special Purpose Depository Institution via a new Wyoming bank charter.
If you'd like to see Tim's interview with Caitlin Long, or you missed or live interview with G Edward Griffin, you can find them on LBRY:
Caitlin Long - https://lbry.tv/@thelibertyadvisor:2/interview-with-a-puerto-rico-tax-expert:c
G Edward Griffin - https://lbry.tv/@thelibertyadvisor:2/TJS-episode-17---G-Edward-Griffin-gives-his-thoughts-on--Did-Trump-Take-Over-the-Fed-,-Q-and-The-Plandemic,-Psyops-and-LARPs:f
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFIi3YfqM2Y
or LBRY at https://lbry.tv/@thelibertyadvisor:2/tjs-18-september-effect-in-full-force:7
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