
Friday Oct 09, 2020
TJS 20: Evil in the Shadows with Melody Krell
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
On this episode of Tim and John Show we invite former Hollywood actress MEL KRELL on to talk about who's really running the show and who is really controlling the world.
Some of the topics we discussed are:
The Kazarians, Royal Bloodlines, and the Payseur family
Deposit Trust Company, Cede and Co, and who really owns your stocks
The Act of 1871,the origins of The Virginia Company, and who really owns America
The FED, The big Banks, and the Global Financial Institutions
The spiritual beliefs of the UN and the Lucis Trust
The Council on Foreign Relations, Cecil Rhodes, and the Rhodes Scholarship
and we go in to so much more on this journey through the under-belly of the control system that's been hidden from public view for so many years
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