
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tokenizing The Stock Market With Blockchain Technology
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Watch full video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxQkSdgjlPY&t=6s
The Liberty Advisor and WAM's latest contributor Tim Picciott spent 3 days at the Security Token Summit and Crypto Invest Summit. In this video Tim goes over what a Security Token is and has a few clips from notable speakers such as: Tim Draper, Charlie Lee and David Chaum.
He also has a few snippets from interviews he conducted with Jor Law of tZERO, Paul Puey of Edge Wallet and Jenny Shaver or SALT Lending.
Even if you aren't into Crypto or Blockchain ... you will want to familiarize yourself with the next big thing in finance... Security Tokens. If you hate the word regulation or SEC then you will not like this video. However it is important to have people advocating freedom on the inside of these conferences and not just let politicians and crypto usurpers dictate the future of the space.
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We will soon be doing subscriber only content! Don't forget to check out Mike Maloney's GoldSilver at the following link: https://goldsilver.com/?aff=WAM Video edited by Tim Picciott Featuring: John Sneisen and Tim Picciott Visit us at www.WorldAlternativeMedia.com LIKE us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/LibertyShall...
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