
Monday Jun 01, 2020
What I Make Of Everything And The Biggest Looting In American History TAY1
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Welcome to the First Tim and Yoshi Walk and Talk.
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/qEvaf-odG3k
In this video we cover what I think about everything. We talk about the origins of the 2020 financial crisis and how that was actually rooted in FED policy dating back to late 2018… actually further than that but I didn’t have all day to talk.
Tim then covers the plandemic and how its been used as the skeleton key to push through much of the new world orders agenda and where things are going from here.
The looting that has gone on the past 3 months has been unprecedented and no we aren’t talking about the rioters…. We’re talking about the FEDERAL RESERVE.
We hope you enjoy our first walk and talk and lets us know what you think. Next time I won’t start it next to the main road but please remember to subscribe to us on various platforms including:
Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-liberty-advisor-podcast/id1238430499?mt=2
All other places to find the podcast including Bitchute links: www.thelibertyadvisorshow.com