
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Will Joe Biden DESTROY Your Retirement? - Biden's Policy Goes After Your 401K!
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Josh Sigurdson talks with Tim Picciott, The Liberty Advisor about a very pertinent issue regardless of how ridiculous elections are. Joe Biden's latest policy on 401Ks!
According to the new policy, Joe Biden wants to get rid of traditional 401K-Style Retirement Savings Tax Benefits. Tim explains what this means for the average person, how this will affect their pension as we see a massive global shortfall in pensions to begin with and he un-muddies the waters surrounding this new policy for the average person to understand.
Tim is of course a certified financial planner and has his own tiers of policies.
This is a huge reason why it's so important to be financially independent rather than stuck in bank or government pension plans where you could end up losing everything.
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr9W0Yrkb5E
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