
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Listen in from this live stream episode where Josh Sigurdson and Tim Picciott interview Colin Cantrell of Nexus.io about the day's shocking oil crash below $0!
If you prefer to view the video version of this podcast, watch the YouTube video by clicking here.

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
CTN 4/23: You Won't Believe Who Is Behind An EU Perpetual Bonds Scheme
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
In this episode, Luke and Tim go over the latest economic news relating to the EU's decision to issue perpetual bonds and what that really means for the average person's liberty and freedom.
The guys also get into a lot of geeky economic history, which is great!
Did you know we also make all of our episodes in video? Check this one out on YouTube right now by clicking here.
#freedom #money #investing

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
CTN 4/23: Will There Be Breadlines in 21st Century America?
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Today, Luke and Tim dive into a crisis in development. As millions of Americans are unemployed, industries like food processing are in need of workers.
Tim gets into the history of the Great Depression, the establishment of the Federal Reserve, and the Americans who are refusing to return to work because unemployment pays more than their jobs.
Will there be lines for bread and cheese in 21st century America? Time will tell, but what do you think?
Did you know that all of our podcasts are also videos? Check this one out on YouTube now by clicking right here.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
CTN 4/22: And Now You Won't Believe What They Won't Let Us Talk About
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Whether you agree with Luke and Tim's various positions or not, you probably stand for free speech and freedom of the press. But if certain entities succeed in their censorship and domination, you can kiss those freedoms goodbye too.
In this episode, Luke and Tim get into the issue of centralized social media and explain why it's a problem.
Did you know that you can watch all of our podcasts as videos? Check this one out on YouTube now by clicking right here.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
CTN 4/22: Will There Be War?
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
If you'd like to view the video version of this podcast, please do. You'll find our video on YouTube, just click right here.
In the wake of illness, economic collapse, and widespread panic and confusion, Luke and Tim get into the latest developments in social and political history as well as the wider economic implications.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
CTN 4/21: Money Won't Be Worth the Paper It's Printed On. Bailouts, Oil, & Gold
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
After yesterday's historic oil price collapse, Luke and Tim get into why the exact opposite of what happened with oil yesterday could happen with gold in the near future.
With all of the added bailouts and stimulus, it's not a question of if but when money won't be worth the paper it's printed on.
Are you abreast of all of the recent financial developments and how to stay above water on a sinking ship? Fear not!
Did you know that we make all of our podcasts as videos? You can watch this one on YouTube now by clicking right here.
#money #gold #oil

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
This special episode is from an earlier live stream on Luke's main channel We Are Change. To view it as a video on YouTube, please click here.
BREAKING: Oil Market Collapse Could This Be The End Of The Petro Dollar
Luke and Tim dive into all of the topics they feel are most important for global citizens today.
Obviously, throughout the vast majority of the show, the guys discuss the absolute collapse of the price of oil and what that means for other markets as well as the people who rely on oil for income, gasoline, and heat.
For the final ten minutes of today's podcast, the
guys dive into the fascinating and largely untold story of why marijuana is illegal in the United States. Unsurprisingly, it's all about money.
Thanks so much for tuning into Change The News Podcast (and/or YouTube) Please share this content with anyone who you think might be interested in it, and always love each other.
#oil #dollar

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
CTN 4/20 SPECIAL on WAC: BEWARE! The Digital Dollar is Not Going Away
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
To view this podcast as a video, please visit us on YouTube by clickinghere.
Amid yesterday's unprecedented drop in the price of oil, lawmakers coyly reintroduced legislation referring to the "digital dollar," which was removed from stimulus and UBI bills after outrage last month.
So what has changed now? Absolutely nothing, except more Americans are now out of work and willing to accept anything that will enable them to provide for themselves and their families. Even if that means accepting a digital dollar, microchips, and marrying social credit scores to the inevitable UBI many will be receiving.
But is this an end to freedom in the United States? Our position has always been fairly clear. What's yours?

Monday Apr 20, 2020
CTN 4/20: Oil Price PLUMMETS. What Does That Mean For You?
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Luke and Tim dive into the INSANE news that the price of oil has plummeted, but what does that mean for the broader economy? And how will it impact you?
Stick around while the guys discuss all this and more of the latest economic developments.
Did you know that we make all of our podcasts into videos too? To watch this one, visit us on YouTube by clicking right here.

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
CTN 4/18: Do you hear the people Sing? Wait! What About My Money?
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Did you know we make all of our podcasts as videos? Check this one out right now on YouTube by clicking here.
In today's special long-format podcast Tim, John Sneisen (The Economic Truth), and Chris Karabats discuss the most recent developments in freedom restrictions, particularly within the US. As protests form, across the country, how far will Americans allow their freedoms to be restricted before they fight back? And this leads perfectly into the second part of this podcast.
Economic news! And of course the topic of the day is the reintroduction of the digital dollar. Will fed coin roll out and with it universal basic income? And how could that limit your rights and freedoms in the same way police breaking up birthday parties is now? The guys also discuss the alternatives by way of cryptocurrencies, and other methods of self-sustainability.