
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Elizabeth Warren recently unveiled her medicare for all plan. While Liz has been scant on details, this plan lays out how she plans on paying for her plan. Tim Picciott CFP® CRPC® is joined by WAM’s economic analyst and Author John Sneisen to tear apart Warren’s plan for soaking the rich.

Friday Oct 25, 2019
Freedoms Phoenix Guest Host Spot
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019

Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
On Friday Jerome Powell said that the Federal Reserve would “soon announce measures to add to the supply of reserves over time” but that “this is not QE.
” Quoting from fake outlet, The Washington post... "Powell did not specify the size of the new asset purchase program. But he said it would not be a rehashing of what the Fed opted for after the recession a decade ago. Still, the Fed has shown that it will adjust its programs based on how the economy performs"
“I want to emphasize that growth of our balance sheet for reserve management purposes should in no way be confused with the large-scale asset purchase programs that we deployed after the financial crisis".
Watch as Not Tim Picciott CFP(R) CRPC(R) breaks down the latest nonsense from the Federal Reserve.
Please also check out Josh's latest video on Karahan Tepe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJy7y...
And also "Tim Picciott was right" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9UOe...
For a free copy of Tim's book: Text informed to 71441.
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Video edited by Josh Sigurdson
Featuring: Tim Picciott
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Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
During this guest spot for the Cryptocurrency Investing Group on Facebook, Tim left no stone uncovered as he red pilled the group on: History of the Rothschild family and central banking; history of the federal reserve; history of the Bilderberg group and its ties to blockstream and Bitcoin.
Tim also breaks down what is currently going on at the FED.
If all of this is news to you, then this is a can’t miss episode. If all of this is stuff you know, then this would be a great episode to share with the uninitiated.
Join Tim on his other social media platforms: www.TheLibertyAdvisorShow.com
Listen to The Liberty Advisor on all your favorite platforms itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean
Stream live using Dlive www.dlive.tv/thelibertyadvisor
If you Bought Bitcoin Early and are sitting on massive gains you HAVE to check this out: www.bitcoinearlyadopter.com
Interested in having Crypto, Precious metals or other alternative investments inside your IRA:
Sign up for the free Crypto course here: http://www.thelibertyadvisor.com/crypto-video-guide/
Schedule a complimentary Investment consultation with Tim: Limited Time only
Inquire about Tim speaking on your show or conference: info@thelibertyadvisor.com

Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
On today’s show Tim Picciott was interviewed by Mark Edge, host of Free Talk Live and the Edgington Post. During this show Tim breaks down what the repo rate is, what the discount window is and why in the world the FED is injecting $75 billion per day into the financial markets. This was one of the better shows Tim has done in terms of breaking down exactly what is going on at the FED. Guest we had on and their bio / bonafides. Topics we covered. Ideally the time in the podcast where it was covered. Make sure time lines up with final cut and not initial cut. I like how Crypt0 has a link in the comments that shows at what part certain topics were addressed. Join Tim on his other social media platforms: www.TheLibertyAdvisorshow.com Text “Informed” to 71441 to get a Free Copy of Tim’s book “How it’s Rigged – The Economy” Listen to The Liberty Advisor Show on all your favorite platforms itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean Watch live on www.dlive.tv/thelibertyadvisor If you Bought Bitcoin Early and are sitting on massive gains you HAVE to check this out: www.bitcoinearlyadopter.com Interested in having Crypto, Precious metals or other alternative investments inside your IRA: www.cryptoselfdirect.com Schedule a complimentary Investment consultation with Tim: Limited Time only Inquire about Tim speaking on your show or conference: info@thelibertyadvisor.com

Monday Oct 07, 2019
Pre T&J e 14: Shadow QE Exposed
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
During this livestream report John Sneisen and Tim Picciott CFP® CRPC® breakdown the shadow QE efforts the FED is employing to hold the economy together. They also discuss the effect share buybacks have had on the market and how some companies like GE have wasted Billions in productive capital on buyback schemes. This is information you won’t find anywhere else. Join Tim on his other social media platforms: www.TheLibertyAdvisor.com/showlinks Listen to The Liberty Advisor on all your favorite platforms itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean If you Bought Bitcoin Early and are sitting on massive gains you HAVE to check this out: www.bitcoinearlyadopter.com Interested in having Crypto, Precious metals or other alternative investments inside your IRA: www.cryptoselfdirect.com Schedule a complimentary Investment consultation with Tim: Limited Time only Inquire about Tim speaking on your show or conference: info@thelibertyadvisor.com

Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Pre T&J e 15: Wall Street Learns Unicorns Aren’t Real
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Join Tim on his other social media platforms: www.TheLibertyAdvisorShow.com Stream Live on Dlive and Youtube Watch all archived content on BITchute Listen to The Liberty Advisor on all your favorite platforms itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean If you Bought Bitcoin Early and are sitting on massive gains you HAVE to check this out: www.bitcoinearlyadopter.com Interested in having Crypto, Precious metals or other alternative investments inside your IRA: www.cryptoselfdirect.com Schedule a complimentary Investment consultation with Tim: Limited Time only Inquire about Tim speaking on your show or conference: info@thelibertyadvisor.com

Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Pre T&J e 14: Shadow QE Exposed
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
During this livestream report John Sneisen and Tim Picciott CFP® CRPC® breakdown the shadow QE efforts the FED is employing to hold the economy together. They also discuss the effect share buybacks have had on the market and how some companies like GE have wasted Billions in productive capital on buyback schemes. This is information you won’t find anywhere else.
Join Tim on his other social media platforms: www.TheLibertyAdvisor.com/showlinks Listen to The Liberty Advisor on all your favorite platforms itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean
If you Bought Bitcoin Early and are sitting on massive gains you HAVE to check this out: www.bitcoinearlyadopter.com
Interested in having Crypto, Precious metals or other alternative investments inside your IRA: www.cryptoselfdirect.com
Schedule a complimentary Investment consultation with Tim: Limited Time only Inquire about Tim speaking on your show or conference: info@thelibertyadvisor.com

Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
During this guest appearance on DYI Tim updates Ernie on the REPO Madness which has since been increased to $100 Billion a night and $60 Billion of 14 day notes. They also get into the Hypocrisy surrounding Trump and Joe Biden’s son as well as a recap of the SOHO debate between Nick Sarwarck and Dave Smith.Join Tim on his other social media platforms: www.TheLibertyAdvisorShow.com
For a Free Copy of Tim’s book type “Informed” to 71441
Listen to The Liberty Advisor on all your favorite platforms itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean
Watch Tim Stream live at www.dlive.tv/thelibertyadvisor
If you Bought Bitcoin Early and are sitting on massive gains you HAVE to check this out: www.bitcoinearlyadopter.com
Interested in having Crypto, Precious metals or other alternative investments inside your IRA:
Sign up for the free Crypto course here: http://www.thelibertyadvisor.com/crypto-video-guide/
Schedule a complimentary Investment consultation with Tim: Limited Time only
Inquire about Tim speaking on your show or conference: info@thelibertyadvisor.com

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
The NY FED has had to inject upwards of $75 Billion into the REPO market in order to keep the system afloat. This also coincides with another Rate Cut!
Find out what this means for your money as Certified Financial Planner Tim Picciott and Economic Analyst John Sneisen breakdown all of the latest financial news.
Text Libertyadvisor to 71441 for a Free Copy Of My Book “How it’s Rigged – The Economy” You will also be alerted when we go live so you can participate in the Q &A
Please visit: TheLibertyAdvisorshow.com to see all the ways you can subscribe including: Dlive, Bitchute, Flote and my personal youtube channel.