
Wednesday May 15, 2019
CWS e 25: Roger Ver aka Bitcoin Jesus joins Tim as he Unloads on Bitcoin v Bitcoin Cash
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Full video here:https://youtu.be/sCjL_W_g65Y
At the 2018 Anarchapulco I happened to look over my shoulder and see Roger Ver aka Bitcoin Jesus walk by. He was gracious enough to grant me an impromptu interview with nothing more than my cell phone. Listen to a true OG in the space explain why he got into Bitcoin and what attracted him to Bitcoin Cash.
For a much more in depth look at Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash from a technical perspective I'd highly recommend this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vWYfdj5cVI

Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
Youtube Video here: https://youtu.be/FHh1GDXJRS0
John Sneisen and Financial Advisor Tim Picciott talk about the real estate bubble popping in Vancouver and how the Vancouver housing market has hit 30-year record lows by far in house sales for April being at 130. The average condo prices in Vancouver are year over a year down 19%. With a lack of new borrowers and an entry price into owning real estate at $120k in personal income needed it is clear that the Vancouver housing bubble has hit its peak and is declining. The Detached home prices are down over 10.5% in Metro Vancouver area as of March 2018. They also touch upon how the head of Canada Morgage and Housing Corporation said in an interview with Bloomberg BNN that Canadians need to stop glorifying homeownership as a savings vehicle. The new CMHCtries to boost homeownership by offering qualified first-time home buyers a 10 percent shared equity mortgage for a newly constructed home or a 5 percent shared equity mortgage for an existing home. It is a bandaid to try to stop housing from collapsing after the mass printing of currency by setting interest rates low. They report on how the Monetary supply M1 and M3 in Canada have been increasing at one of the fastest rates in the world since 1995 about 500% and since 2007 250%. Most of this currency has floated into real estate and the TSX. It has created a debt bubble in private debt at one of the highest levels in the world with almost 270% private debt to the GDP. Delinquency rates are up all across Canada and not to mention Toronto that has a very similar real estate bubble as Vancouver. They ask how can this be sustainable and will Canada be the first major Western Economy to drop their interest rates to scare off the inevitable debt bubble created in Canada. With Oil down and debt up will Bank of Canada put forward big stimulus programs to try to save the economy from the bubble it has created? Only time will tell, but we are getting close to the end game.
Tim’s Free Ebook – http://www.howitsrigged.com
Buy John’s Book: https://amzn.to/2PSJjWZ
Stream Tim Content:
Dlive- http://bit.ly/2WuJH01
Twitch- http://bit.ly/twitchliberty
Subscribe to The Liberty Advisor Podcast:
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Watch Tim’s Content
Bitchute- http://bit.ly/bitchuteliberty
Theytube/ youtube- http://bit.ly/theytubeTim
Follow Tim Picciott:
Join Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=thelibertyadvisor
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Ditch Google and get paid to search anonymously using PRESEARCH: https://presearch.org/signup?rid=1293283
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Use promo code “WAM” to save money~
The information contained is strictly for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Investing into Crypto Assets is incredibly risky and you should not do so on your own unless you have considerable knowledge in this field and can afford to lose money. If you do not have an advisor or would like to work with Tim Picciott and his investment firm. Tim is offering 15 minute complimentary investment consultations with his firm: Innovative Advisory Group, LLC.
Complimentary Consultation:

Thursday May 09, 2019
White Power Is Not OK Audio
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
May 9, 2019 White Power Is Not OK
Watch full video here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bMv7wWRcb2oJ/
A recent cubs game saw a fan flash an upside "ok" symbol on live TV. While 99.99% of rationale human beings would understand this to be the "circle" game... the NPC media wants to create racial divisions by perpetuating the myth this is now a "White Power Symbol". In this brief report Tim breaks down the history of the symbol and also gets into the dumbest thing AOC has ever said... trust me you will not want to miss this.
Stream Tim Content:
Dlive- http://bit.ly/2WuJH01
Twitch- http://bit.ly/twitchliberty
Subscribe to The Liberty Advisor Podcast:
Podbean- http://bit.ly/podliberty
Itunes- http://bit.ly/itunesliberty
Google play- http://bit.ly/2Jspqoi
Player.FM- http://bit.ly/playerliberty
Stitcher- http://bit.ly/stitcherliberty
Watch Tim’s Content
Bitchute- http://bit.ly/bitchuteliberty
Theytube/ youtube- http://bit.ly/theytubeTim
Follow Tim Picciott:
Join Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=thelibertyadvisor
Steemit- https://steemit.com/@timpicciott/feed
Facistbook- https://www.facebook.com/thelibertarianadvisor/
Ditch Google and get paid to search anonymously using PRESEARCH: https://presearch.org/signup?rid=1293283

Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Watch Full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU_a6w9keVA&t=10s
John Sneisen and Tim Picciott report on the hack of Cryptocurrency Exchange Binance being hacked on May 7th at 17:15:24 (UTC).
As per Binance press release, the hackers were able to obtain users API keys, 2 Factor Authentification codes, and potentially other info. The hackers used several different approaches from phishing to viruses to breach Binance security.
Hackers stole 7000 Bitcoins, and the transaction code is here so you can follow the movement of the Bitcoins. https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/e8b406091959700dbffcff30a60b190133721e5c39e89bb5fe23c5a554ab05ea The above link is to the stolen Bitcoin coming from Binance Bitcoin hot wallet that according to Binance holds 2% of their total Bitcoin holdings.
Currently, deposits and withdrawals are on hold as Binance asks for their customers understanding and promise to reimburse them for their stolen Bitcoin.
They go into the severe dangers of having your crypto on exchanges as you don't own your private keys for your cryptocurrency. John makes the similarities of holding fiat currency in your checking account to keeping your crypto on exchanges without the control of having your private keys.
They explain how important in the age of derivatives it is to own the real thing. It applies to cash, precious physical metals, cryptocurrencies, other assets such as businesses, real estate or land. If you don't own the keys or the title or hold the tangible asset in your possession, you rely on third parties to promise you your asset claims, and you can get a hold of them if you need to use them or sell them.
They also cover Bitcoin breaking above $6k while they recorded as well as the Grayscale Investment "Dump Gold and Buy Bitcoin" campaign, The New York AG going after the Bitfinex the company behind Tether and finally how Coinbase banned Milo.
John’s Book: https://amzn.to/2PSJjWZ
Stream Tim Content:
Dlive- http://bit.ly/2WuJH01
Twitch- http://bit.ly/twitchliberty
Subscribe to The Liberty Advisor Podcast:
Podbean- http://bit.ly/podliberty
Itunes- http://bit.ly/itunesliberty
Google play- http://bit.ly/2Jspqoi
Player.FM- http://bit.ly/playerliberty
Stitcher- http://bit.ly/stitcherliberty
Watch Tim’s Content
Bitchute- http://bit.ly/bitchuteliberty
Theytube/ youtube- http://bit.ly/theytubeTim
Follow Tim Picciott:
Join Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=thelibertyadvisor
Steemit- https://steemit.com/@timpicciott/feed
Facistbook- https://www.facebook.com/thelibertarianadvisor/
Ditch Google and get paid to search anonymously using PRESEARCH: https://presearch.org/signup?rid=1293283
Support Wam:
GET YOUR TICKETS for The Red Pill Expo 2019 here:
*Join Our Affiliate! Mike Maloney's GoldSilver linked below!
Winnipeg Crypto Conference:
Use promo code "WAM" to save money!
Use promo code “WAM” to save money~
The information contained is strictly for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Investing into Crypto Assets is incredibly risky and you should not do so on your own unless you have considerable knowledge in this field and can afford to lose money. If you do not have an advisor or would like to work with Tim Picciott and his investment firm. Tim is offering 15 minute complimentary investment consultations with his firm: Innovative Advisory Group, LLC.
Complimentary Consultation:

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
The Impending Fracking Bust - How Debt Created and Destroyed the Fracking Industry
Full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMCHdi2sXtI&t=9s
John Sneisen and Tim Picciott report on the North American Shale Oil Boom and Bust. As a Bloomberg article goes into Pioneer Natural Resources Company is struggling and are asking one-third of its management to retire. The Shale Oil Boom and now impending bust as oil prices struggle to recover back up to profitability is hitting the hydraulic fracturing oil extraction businesses hard. The struggle to be profitable and with mass amounts of debt and long bond issues, the fast depleting wells are struggling to give investors and companies a return on investments. Environmental issues are another problem as well for the sector and have not helped the industry at all. With cheap debt, this was made possible, but with interest rate increases and the lack of profits, the most fracking companies are in deep red as debt is propping them up into a zombie state. It seems like the monetary drugs have run out and the impending big bust is coming to the sector that made the US the top oil producer in the world. They also go into how it's not only shale oil and gas that is having issues, but also other sectors that have borrowed cheap money and can only afford to pay the interest on their debts. There is over 15% of corporations in the United States that only pay interest rates, and they are called zombie corporations, but it doesn't stop there. Almost all of the world governments are in the red as well. We also report on how CNN is in the category above and welfare of debt and corporation pouring money into the company from debt-ridden corporations on their death bed. CNN had to let 300 employees go as we see mainstream media with fewer and fewer viewers are getting outcompeted by small and effective independent alternative media.
Tim’s Free Ebook – http://www.howitsrigged.com
Buy John’s Book: https://amzn.to/2PSJjWZ
Stream Tim Content:
Dlive- http://bit.ly/2WuJH01
Twitch- http://bit.ly/twitchliberty
Subscribe to The Liberty Advisor Podcast:
Podbean- http://bit.ly/podliberty
Itunes- http://bit.ly/itunesliberty
Google play- http://bit.ly/2Jspqoi
Player.FM- http://bit.ly/playerliberty
Stitcher- http://bit.ly/stitcherliberty
Watch Tim’s Content
Bitchute- http://bit.ly/bitchuteliberty
Theytube/ youtube- http://bit.ly/theytubeTim
Follow Tim Picciott:
Join Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=thelibertyadvisor
Steemit- https://steemit.com/@timpicciott/feed
Facistbook- https://www.facebook.com/thelibertarianadvisor/
Ditch Google and get paid to search anonymously using PRESEARCH: https://presearch.org/signup?rid=1293283
Support Wam:
GET YOUR TICKETS for The Red Pill Expo 2019 here:
*Join Our Affiliate! Mike Maloney's GoldSilver linked below!
Winnipeg Crypto Conference:
Use promo code "WAM" to save money!
Use promo code “WAM” to save money~
The information contained is strictly for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Investing into Crypto Assets is incredibly risky and you should not do so on your own unless you have considerable knowledge in this field and can afford to lose money. If you do not have an advisor or would like to work with Tim Picciott and his investment firm. Tim is offering 15 minute complimentary investment consultations with his firm: Innovative Advisory Group, LLC.
Complimentary Consultation:

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tokenizing The Stock Market With Blockchain Technology
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Watch full video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxQkSdgjlPY&t=6s
The Liberty Advisor and WAM's latest contributor Tim Picciott spent 3 days at the Security Token Summit and Crypto Invest Summit. In this video Tim goes over what a Security Token is and has a few clips from notable speakers such as: Tim Draper, Charlie Lee and David Chaum.
He also has a few snippets from interviews he conducted with Jor Law of tZERO, Paul Puey of Edge Wallet and Jenny Shaver or SALT Lending.
Even if you aren't into Crypto or Blockchain ... you will want to familiarize yourself with the next big thing in finance... Security Tokens. If you hate the word regulation or SEC then you will not like this video. However it is important to have people advocating freedom on the inside of these conferences and not just let politicians and crypto usurpers dictate the future of the space.
Help us stay in touch for our inevitable purge: http://www.thelibertyadvisor.com/newsletter
www.thelibertyadvisor.com/show to find the links for podcast subscriptions
Listen to the mp3 on your favorite platform: itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean
Schedule a complimentary Investment consultation with Tim
Inquire about Tim speaking on your show or conference: info@thelibertyadvisor.com
Sign up for the free Crypto course here and lots of great retirement material: http://www.thelibertyadvisor.com/shadowban
Interested in having Crypto in your IRA?
Stay tuned for more from WAM! DON'T MISS AnarchoVegas 2019! Use promo code: WAM Save 10% on your tickets!
Get your early bird tickets now at: www.AnarchoVegas.com
CHECK OUT The Red Pill Expo 2019 here: https://redpillexpo.org/rpe/wam/
Please subscribe to the Liberty Advisor Show to have Tim’s latest material sent straight to your favorite streaming device: https://libertarianadvisor.podbean.com/
Interested in having Crypto in your IRA? http://bit.ly/cryptoselfdirect
Interested in a 15 minute portfolio consultation from Innovative Wealth? http://bit.ly/Timsservices
Join Tim’s newsletter: www.thelibertyadvisor.com/newsletter
JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: https://www.subscribestar.com/world-a...
We will soon be doing subscriber only content! Don't forget to check out Mike Maloney's GoldSilver at the following link: https://goldsilver.com/?aff=WAM Video edited by Tim Picciott Featuring: John Sneisen and Tim Picciott Visit us at www.WorldAlternativeMedia.com LIKE us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/LibertyShall...
Follow us on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/WorldAltMedia
FIND US ON STEEMIT: https://steemit.com/@joshsigurdson
BUY JOHN SNEISEN'S LATEST BOOK HERE: Paperback https://www.amazon.com/dp/1988497051/...
Kindle https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B073V5R72H/r...
DONATE HERE: https://www.gofundme.com/w3e2es Help keep independent media alive! Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us stay on our feet as we face intense YouTube censorship!
BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU World Alternative Media 2019 "Find the truth, be the change!"

Monday May 06, 2019
China Trade Deal Chaos Audio
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
WAM Contributor Tim Picciott "The Liberty Advisor" breaks down the ramifications of Donald Trumps latest twitter spat involving new tariffs on China. In addition to the Tariffs, Tim also discusses alternatives to the SWIFT and Petrodollar systems and an interesting correlation between the stock market and elections.
Tim’s Free Ebook – http://www.howitsrigged.com
Buy John’s Book: https://amzn.to/2PSJjWZ
Stream Tim Content:
Dlive- http://bit.ly/2WuJH01
Twitch- http://bit.ly/twitchliberty
Subscribe to The Liberty Advisor Podcast:
Podbean- http://bit.ly/podliberty
Itunes- http://bit.ly/itunesliberty
Google play- http://bit.ly/2Jspqoi
Player.FM- http://bit.ly/playerliberty
Stitcher- http://bit.ly/stitcherliberty
Watch Tim’s Content
Bitchute- http://bit.ly/bitchuteliberty
Theytube/ youtube- http://bit.ly/theytubeTim
Follow Tim Picciott:
Join Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=thelibertyadvisor
Steemit- https://steemit.com/@timpicciott/feed
Facistbook- https://www.facebook.com/thelibertarianadvisor/
Ditch Google and get paid to search anonymously using PRESEARCH: https://presearch.org/signup?rid=1293283
Support Wam:
GET YOUR TICKETS for The Red Pill Expo 2019 here:
*Join Our Affiliate! Mike Maloney's GoldSilver linked below!
Winnipeg Crypto Conference:
Use promo code "WAM" to save money!
Use promo code “WAM” to save money~
The information contained is strictly for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Investing into Crypto Assets is incredibly risky and you should not do so on your own unless you have considerable knowledge in this field and can afford to lose money. If you do not have an advisor or would like to work with Tim Picciott and his investment firm. Tim is offering 15 minute complimentary investment consultations with his firm: Innovative Advisory Group, LLC.
Complimentary Consultation:

Monday May 06, 2019
Bank of Canada’s Plan to Enslave you - The Jasper Project Audio
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
Watch full video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPwNtWxZYvI
In this video John Sneisen and Financial Advisor Tim Picciott talks about the recent world first blockchain transaction between two central banks.
The name of the project from the Bank of Canada is Jasper. The central bankers in Singapore and Canada now have a blockchain clearing mechanism that works.
Is Project Jasper the coming death of your personal and individual freedom? If you loose the last part of your individual freedom the economic transaction of value without being tracked and taxed to death. That will be a digital tyranny much like what China is building through their Sesame Credit system.
Would you live in a world that is centralized and controlled or decentralized so no one can get power over you and your money? To save the global economic system we think that they need to push for a cashless society, but can they pull it off? We ask this and many other questions including the Cycles of Centralization vs. decentralization through the centuries Stay tuned for more from WAM!
DON'T MISS AnarchoVegas 2019! Use promo code: WAM Save 10% on your tickets! Get your early bird tickets now at: www.AnarchoVegas.com CHECK OUT The Red Pill Expo 2019 here: https://redpillexpo.org/rpe/wam/
Please subscribe to the Liberty Advisor Show to have Tim’s latest material sent straight to your favorite streaming device: https://libertarianadvisor.podbean.com/
Tim’s Free Ebook – http://www.howitsrigged.com
Buy John’s Book: https://amzn.to/2PSJjWZ
Stream Tim Content:
Dlive- http://bit.ly/2WuJH01
Twitch- http://bit.ly/twitchliberty
Subscribe to The Liberty Advisor Podcast:
Podbean- http://bit.ly/podliberty
Itunes- http://bit.ly/itunesliberty
Google play- http://bit.ly/2Jspqoi
Player.FM- http://bit.ly/playerliberty
Stitcher- http://bit.ly/stitcherliberty
Watch Tim’s Content
Bitchute- http://bit.ly/bitchuteliberty
Theytube/ youtube- http://bit.ly/theytubeTim
Follow Tim Picciott:
Join Minds.com: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=thelibertyadvisor
Steemit- https://steemit.com/@timpicciott/feed
Facistbook- https://www.facebook.com/thelibertarianadvisor/
Ditch Google and get paid to search anonymously using PRESEARCH: https://presearch.org/signup?rid=1293283
Support Wam:
GET YOUR TICKETS for The Red Pill Expo 2019 here:
*Join Our Affiliate! Mike Maloney's GoldSilver linked below!
Winnipeg Crypto Conference:
Use promo code "WAM" to save money!
Use promo code “WAM” to save money~
The information contained is strictly for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Investing into Crypto Assets is incredibly risky and you should not do so on your own unless you have considerable knowledge in this field and can afford to lose money. If you do not have an advisor or would like to work with Tim Picciott and his investment firm. Tim is offering 15 minute complimentary investment consultations with his firm: Innovative Advisory Group, LLC.
Complimentary Consultation:

Sunday May 05, 2019
Perpetual Lifestyle and Crypto Trading Tips
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Watch full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zh2Wicawifw&t=469s
Trading and making money in Crypto is something 90% of people fail at. Scott Sorensen takes emotion out of his trading strategies to help his subscribers gain an inside edge on their trading.
During this live on location interview from Anarchizona 2019 in Beautiful Sedona AZ we cover many interesting subjects with Scott.
Scott is a Perpetual traveler and has not paid taxes in over 20 years! Learn how he does this and about the many successful businesses he has started and some of the major roadblocks he's also had along the way.
Full video can be found on World Alternative Media youtube
Help us stay in touch for our inevitable purge: http://www.thelibertyadvisor.com/newsletter
www.thelibertyadvisor.com/show to find the links for podcast subscriptions
Listen to the mp3 on your favorite platform: itunes Google Play Stitcher Player FM Podbean
Also livestreaming on Dlive, Twitch and Facistbook
Video’s found on: Bitchute
Schedule a complimentary Investment consultation with Tim: Limited Time only
Inquire about Tim speaking on your show or conference: info@thelibertyadvisor.com
Sign up for the free Crypto course here and lots of great retirement material: http://www.thelibertyadvisor.com/shadowban
Interested in having Crypto in your IRA?

Sunday May 05, 2019
CWS e 22: Making Crypto Easy For Mass Adoption with Paul Puey
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Watch full video here: https://youtu.be/coJNtrt10Ro
Wam Contributor Tim Picciott spent three days at the Security Token Summit and Crypto Invest Summit.
In this video Tim sits down with Paul Puey of Edge Wallet. One of the biggest hurdles for mass adoption is making Crypto Easy. In this on location interview you will get to hear from one of the industries thought leaders on how the space will evolve and future innovations.
Want to listen to the MP3 instead?
Please subscribe to the Liberty Advisor Show to have Tim’s latest material sent straight to your favorite streaming device: https://libertarianadvisor.podbean.com/
Interested in having Crypto in your IRA? http://bit.ly/cryptoselfdirect
Interested in a 15 minute portfolio consultation from Innovative Wealth? http://bit.ly/Timsservices
Join Tim’s newsletter: www.thelibertyadvisor.com/newsletter
Stay tuned for more from WAM! DON'T MISS AnarchoVegas 2019! Use promo code: WAM Save 10% on your tickets!
Get your early bird tickets now at: www.AnarchoVegas.com
CHECK OUT The Red Pill Expo 2019 here: https://redpillexpo.org/rpe/wam/ JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: https://www.subscribestar.com/world-a...
We will soon be doing subscriber only content! Don't forget to check out Mike Maloney's GoldSilver at the following link: https://goldsilver.com/?aff=WAM Video edited by Tim Picciott Featuring: John Sneisen and Tim Picciott Visit us at www.WorldAlternativeMedia.com LIKE us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/LibertyShall...
Follow us on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/WorldAltMedia
FIND US ON STEEMIT: https://steemit.com/@joshsigurdson
BUY JOHN SNEISEN'S LATEST BOOK HERE: Paperback https://www.amazon.com/dp/1988497051/...
Kindle https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B073V5R72H/r...
DONATE HERE: https://www.gofundme.com/w3e2es Help keep independent media alive! Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us stay on our feet as we face intense YouTube censorship!
BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU World Alternative Media 2019 "Find the truth, be the change!"