
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
COLLAPSE Of The Housing Market IMMINENT! - Millions To Be Evicted!
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
On this episode of WAM Tim and Josh talk about the imminent collapse of the housing market alongside the global economy as eviction moratoriums are extended according to Kudlow.
28 million homeowners and renters (9 out of 100 Americans) were set to go homeless this week as moratoriums expired due to the massive shutdowns enforced unto the populace. The extension pushes off the inevitable a little bit longer but certainly only makes the long term problem worse.
With the Federal Reserve printing vast amounts of currency into the artificial stock market and the majority of people deferring on their mortgages, this is leading to an unprecedented strain on the already bubbled housing market (depending on the locale) which could easily buckle under the weight.
In this video we talk about the effects this will have on the housing market, homeowners, renters and the stock market as well as the absurdity of this central planning we're currently witnessing.
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSHYApq5XkA
For more from Tim Picciot please use the links below:
Itunes: https://bit.ly/libertyadvisor
More Podcasts: www.thelibertyadvisorshow.com
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Learn more about Tim’s services: www.thelibertyadvisor.com
Free 15 min Investing Consultation www.bit.ly/booktimp
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Monday Jul 27, 2020
Bitcoin SKYROCKETS As Millions GET OUT Of Dollar! - What You NEED To Know!
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
On this episode of WAM Tim and Josh talk about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies skyrocketing in value as people both conventional and unconventional in the financial world flood into gold, silver and cryptocurrencies.
Tim explains the reasoning behind such a move and why predicting short term is irrelevant if we're looking long term into revolutionary technologies like blockchain infrastructure, not just as money but as a backbone to new amazing technologies.
Directly after we edited this video, Bitcoin broke resistance at $10,000 and rallied to over $11,000.
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laS1DFKmoCs
or LBRY at
For more from Tim Picciot please use the links below:
Itunes: https://bit.ly/libertyadvisor
More Podcasts: www.thelibertyadvisorshow.com
Lbry.tv https://lbry.tv/@Thelibertyadvisor:0
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/thelibertyadvisor/
Learn more about Tim’s services: www.thelibertyadvisor.com
Free 15 min Investing Consultation www.bit.ly/booktimp
Subscribe to our emergency text list and receive a free ebook “How it’s Rigged – The Economy”
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Monday Jul 27, 2020
California EXODUS Continues! - Joe Rogan Says "I'M OUT OF HERE!"
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
On this episode of WAM Tim and Josh talk about the massive exodus from California as big names like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan announce they're leaving. Joe Rogan has considered the notion of leaving California for Texas for quite some time, but recently during a podcast he announced, "I'm outta here. I'm gonna go to Texas. I just want to go somewhere in the center of the country, somewhere it's easier to travel to both places, and somewhere where you have a little bit more freedom." This sentiment is growing among millions of Californians as well as people in New York and New Jersey. The California exodus has been happening for a long time. In fact, the majority of people in Nevada are originally from California. Arizona, Texas and Florida are other states seeing a huge influx of people from the heavy taxed states. Tim explains how this could work out really well in Joe Rogan's favor, especially considering the massive payout he's getting for moving to Spotify.
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKarvXHKBgI
or LBRY at
For more from Tim Picciot please use the links below:
Itunes: https://bit.ly/libertyadvisor
More Podcasts: www.thelibertyadvisorshow.com
Lbry.tv https://lbry.tv/@Thelibertyadvisor:0
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/thelibertyadvisor/
Learn more about Tim’s services: www.thelibertyadvisor.com
Free 15 min Investing Consultation www.bit.ly/booktimp
Subscribe to our emergency text list and receive a free ebook “How it’s Rigged – The Economy”
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Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
On this episode of WAM Tim gives his take on the complete collapse of the global economy on the horizon as the European Union (EU) calls for a $860 billion recovery pact. All the while, the United State is pushing forward a $1 trillion recovery bill.
Of course the stock market is being propped up by massive amounts of printing while at the same time leading to a quote unquote stronger dollar due to deflation. But that money will eventually reach the hands of the populace and lead to massive inflation all while the stock market inevitably continues to tank as the second wave shutdown takes hold of the country.
People seem to be on another planet when talking about the sustainability of the global economy lately. The fact is, this cannot sustain itself. Tim also talks about alternatives to relying on the system and becoming more self reliant.
You can view this content on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8maiTPgaZc&t
or LBRY at https://lbry.tv/@WAM:0/central-banks-are-desperate-massive:e
For more from Tim Picciot please use the links below:
Itunes: https://bit.ly/libertyadvisor
More Podcasts: www.thelibertyadvisorshow.com
Lbry.tv https://lbry.tv/@Thelibertyadvisor:0
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/thelibertyadvisor/
Learn more about Tim’s services: www.thelibertyadvisor.com
Free 15 min Investing Consultation www.bit.ly/booktimp
Subscribe to our emergency text list and receive a free ebook “How it’s Rigged – The Economy”
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Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Today on WAM Tim and Josh talk about the massive move towards a cashless society as the Bank of England admits that they're looking very closely at creating a cashless currency system at the central bank. This is very much a global agenda with countless other central banks around the world including the Bank of Canada which is calling for a "uniform global cashless society." As the global economy shutters and the media utilizes fear in order to bring about a convenient tracking system and bank controlled digital currency, decentralized options are also growing in popularity against the control complex. Tim and Josh also discuss the growing social divide over "health policy"
You can view this content on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7LKm2odT7M&t=208s
or LBRY at https://lbry.tv/@WAM:0/the-global-cashless-society-is-imminent:f
For more from Tim Picciot please us the links below:
Itunes: https://bit.ly/libertyadvisor
More Podcasts: www.thelibertyadvisorshow.com
Lbry.tv https://lbry.tv/@Thelibertyadvisor:0
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/thelibertyadvisor/
Learn more about Tim’s services: www.thelibertyadvisor.com
Free 15 min Investing Consultation www.bit.ly/booktimp
Subscribe to our emergency text list and receive a free ebook “How it’s Rigged – The Economy”
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Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested Near Me. Breaking Down Her Mossad Ties
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Porcfest w/ Ernest Hancock and FED Releases It's Bond Holdings
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
On this special Porkfest / Forkfest edition of of Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock. Tim and Ernie go over all the latest financial news including the recent release of the FED's top 10 largest bond holdings.
They also get into Porkfest and Forkfest while covering a wide array of subjects.

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Making Business Better With the Blockchain
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
On this episode of The Crypto Wealth Show, Tim Picciott CFP® CRPC® interviews Sten Via of Equa Start.
After spending 15 years to become a cancer biologist, Sten left the field to pursue opportunities in the crypto space. He’s been involved with both SALT and now Equa Start. During this show you’ll see real life use cases for business on the blockchain and how Equa is making that happen.
Sten also discusses problems with Ethereum and why his company choose to not build on Ethereum, even though Sten is a fan of Ethereum and Hodler.
This is not a paid interview and no compensation was received and equa isn’t even a token or cryptocurrency.
Please note Tim accidentally had his Yeti mic turned on and didn’t have the Yeti properly positioned and the mic that is directly next to his mouth was just a prop for this show ☹. For whatever reason this video was never posted as holiday travel picked up but this is evergreen content
Check out our podcast exclusive content at:
Itunes: https://bit.ly/libertyadvisor
More Podcasts: www.thelibertyadvisorshow.com
Lbry.tv https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@Thelibertyadvisor:c
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/thelibertyadvisor/
Learn more about Tim’s services: www.thelibertyadvisor.com
Free 15 min Investing Consultation www.bit.ly/booktimp
Subscribe to our emergency text list and receive a free ebook “How it’s Rigged – The Economy”
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Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
This is an episode that never aired. This is from the Coin Agenda Conference and features Joel Comm of "The Bad Crypto Show", Caitlin Long who is a pioneer in the crypto legal space... especially as it pertains to Wyoming and Giovanni Mendez who is an expert in Puerto Rico's Act 20 and 22.
Itunes: https://bit.ly/libertyadvisor More Podcasts: www.thelibertyadvisorshow.com
Lbry.tv https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@Thelibertyadvisor:c
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/thelibertyadvisor/
Learn more about Tim’s services: www.thelibertyadvisor.com
Free 15 min Investing Consultation www.bit.ly/booktimp Subscribe to our emergency text list and receive a free ebook
“How it’s Rigged – The Economy” Text LibertyAdvisor (one word, no spaces) to 71441

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Interview W/ Peter Schiff. Is there any circumstance he'd admit he's wrong on Bitcoin?
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Unfortunately my video card was corrupted and this is my back up audio that I recently found from last years Freedom Fest. Still lots of good info in here... including... Peter talking about what would finally make him admit he's wrong on Bitcoin.