
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
CTN 4/1: Economic Hitmen Seize Control
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
As the fed continues to print trillions and trillions of dollars, the rich continue to profit while the enslaved majority loses the illusion of freedom they once had. Luke and CFP Tim Picciott dive straight into the day's economic news.
Topics include:
- The IMF - International Monetary Fund
- Trump tells people to brace for a very painful 2 weeks
- News of more bailouts of stimulus bills, etc.
- World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve
- Ford stock could go to $0
- Big globalist companies are recipients of all bailouts and stimulus
In the end, the guys address some of the criticisms from the comments to defend their position: Slavery is the most important issue in the world, and that starts with finance.
As always, we invite you to do your own research and please remember to love each other.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
CTN 4/1: Economic Hitmen Seize Control
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
As the fed continues to print trillions and trillions of dollars, the rich continue to profit while the enslaved majority loses the illusion of freedom they once had. Luke and CFP Tim Picciott dive straight into the day's economic news.
Topics include:
- The IMF - International Monetary Fund
- Trump tells people to brace for a very painful 2 weeks
- News of more bailouts of stimulus bills, etc.
- World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve
- Ford stock could go to $0
- Big globalist companies are recipients of all bailouts and stimulus
In the end, the guys address some of the criticisms from the comments to defend their position: Slavery is the most important issue in the world, and that starts with finance.
As always, we invite you to do your own research and please remember to love each other.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
CTN 4/1: The Secret Fed Bailout & How You Pay for It
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
In today's episode, Luke and Tim dive straight into the federal reserve's secret bailout of the 0.1% while the rest pay for it.
Please stick around for the rest of our episodes today.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Today's topics include:
* US surging infection rate
* CNN Personality Chris Cuomo contracting the virus
* Trump's ongoing feud with NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
* Amazon's war on their employees
* The need to decentralize our lives
* Hundreds wait for food in Pittsburgh
* Has the fed been nationalized by the treasury?
* Pensions auto balanced into the stock market
* Low Consumer Confidence in the US
* Trump's Proposed $2 Trillion MORE in Stimulus
* China's Manufacturing Activity
* and so much more.
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Change the News podcast. As always, we invite you to like, comment, subscribe, and hit that bell.

Monday Mar 30, 2020
CTN 3/30: The Government & the Fed Aren't Here to Rescue You!!!
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
The Government & the Fed Aren't Here to Rescue You!!!
The FED is getting serious about owning the world. In this episode, Certified Financial Planner - The Liberty Advisor™ - Tim Picciott breaks down the FED’s trial balloons for owning stock.
Next, Tim explains what this means and how they are planning on pulling it off.
This is truly crazy news and is something Tim has expressed concern over for some time now.
In the end, the guys want to remind you that the government, the fed, and big businesses are not here to rescue you. You have to rescue yourself. Get off the sinking ship. End the Fed!
Stick around for more of our videos from Change the News, We are Change, and The Liberty Advisor. And always remember to love each other
Media Caught Faking Footage From Italy, As If It Were From New York
In this episode Luke and Tim go over several misleading headlines the media has put out about the health-related c word.
In one such instance, the media even played off footage from an Italian hospital as if it were from NYC!

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Listen in as Luke Rudkowski, CFP Tim Picciott (The Liberty Advisor) and economic historian John Sneisen (The Economic Truth) discuss the days economic news along side the social and political.
First, No state or city will be spared. As the infection rate spreads throughout the country, the economic ramifications could be far more severe than the virus itself. So what’s the craziest, most eye-opening economic news of the day?
* The Fed will be buying ETFs. Investors across all markets are racing to sell.
* At this pace, the Fed will add $26 Trillion to the balance sheet THIS YEAR.
* Actual criminality happening right in front of our eyes from world leaders.
And then, in the second part of today's recordings, the guys discuss:
* UBI/Stimulus
* US economy at a standstill
* Steve Mnuchin saying everything will go back to normal soon
* The possibility of restarting the economy in June
* Banker Bailouts
* The currency breaking point
* Will this be worse than 2008?
* And so much more!
Finally, in the third segment of today's broadcast:
Buckle up! Because this video all boils down to international government overreach.
In the US, Florida police are now stopping cars from New York and screening them for sick passengers. Italy has restricted travel across counties. In Spain, people are restricted from going into their yards. And in the UK, people are being chastised for going on walks in nature. These are but a few examples of the worldwide government overreach that are almost certain to lead humanity into a dystopian future.
Ultimately, the guys conclude: Decentralization, not centralization, is the answer, and that is because freedom is always the answer, regardless of the question.
Thanks so much for listening to our podcast. Please be sure to check out our videos at Change the News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBqSRB5Rg_9kgGriZTih-tQ?

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Listen in as Luke Rudkowski, CFP Tim Picciott (The Liberty Advisor) and economic historian John Sneisen (The Economic Truth) discuss the days economic news along side the social and political.
First, No state or city will be spared. As the infection rate spreads throughout the country, the economic ramifications could be far more severe than the virus itself. So what’s the craziest, most eye-opening economic news of the day?
* The Fed will be buying ETFs. Investors across all markets are racing to sell.
* At this pace, the Fed will add $26 Trillion to the balance sheet THIS YEAR.
* Actual criminality happening right in front of our eyes from world leaders.
And then, in the second part of today's recordings, the guys discuss:
* UBI/Stimulus
* US economy at a standstill
* Steve Mnuchin saying everything will go back to normal soon
* The possibility of restarting the economy in June
* Banker Bailouts
* The currency breaking point
* Will this be worse than 2008?
* And so much more!
Finally, in the third segment of today's broadcast:
Buckle up! Because this video all boils down to international government overreach.
In the US, Florida police are now stopping cars from New York and screening them for sick passengers. Italy has restricted travel across counties. In Spain, people are restricted from going into their yards. And in the UK, people are being chastised for going on walks in nature. These are but a few examples of the worldwide government overreach that are almost certain to lead humanity into a dystopian future.
Ultimately, the guys conclude: Decentralization, not centralization, is the answer, and that is because freedom is always the answer, regardless of the question.
Thanks so much for listening to our podcast. Please be sure to check out our videos at Change the News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBqSRB5Rg_9kgGriZTih-tQ?

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
The Military is Here & the Government is Taking Over Your Rights!
Extreme measures are now being implemented.
Trump refused to order supplies because business owners revolted, he has now turned a full 180 and invoked the Defense Production Act ordering GM to make ventilators and allowing government to take control of private business.
All this and more with Luke and Tim.
Always, in uncertain times, remember to love each other.
The Economy is Going Down! Will You Go with It?
Things are developing rapidly in the US and around the world.
President Donald Trump is now talking about possibly quarantining all of NYC and parts of Connecticut and New Jersey. Russia is also closing all borders on Monday, and all of that news a greater hit to the economy.
But who will profit from this crisis? Unsurprisingly, Jeff Bezos, Amazon's creator stands to profit handsomely, and that is on top of the $3.4 billion of the stock he sold immediately before the catastrophe. Who else? There is a long list of offenders.
The fed is potentially committing horrendous crimes against humanity. There is now a treasury shortage! Wall Street is getting trillions of dollars in bailouts, while the American people are getting $1200, and many are losing their jobs.
Will things get much worse before they get better? CFP Tim Picciott thinks so. What do you think?
Stay tuned for all that and more economic news from Luke and Tim of Change the News. And remember to practice compassion and love for each other.

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
This is Not Over. Everyone Just Stay Calm.
There is so much conflicting information out there, it's hard to keep it all straight. Luke and Tim provide their personal expertise and opinions on the conflicting reports on the severity of the world's sickness.
First, New York City Health Commissioner said there is no reason for young, healthy people to miss the city’s upcoming parade DESPITE the fact that the US now leads the world in confirmed cases with NYC as the epicenter.
Next, as many have already heard, PM Boris Johnson tested positive, and Former Labor Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for Global Government. Globalization much?
Italy hasn’t yet reached its peak, and Spain - where the country valued tourist money above a global health concern - reported 769 sickness deaths in a single day.
Experts are saying the virus is likely to cause 81k deaths in the United States within the next four months. De Blasio says New York could stay closed until late May – Also suspects half of NYC’s population will be infected at some point.
The Surgeon General, who did lie about the need for masks, says the pandemic will extend beyond Labor Day. Dr Fauci continues cold war with Trump by casting doubt on Trump’s goal of reopening the country by Easter.
Trump claims CV is less infectious than he thought – Trump says people should prepare to go back to work within the next few days.
Cell Phone Heat Map – researchers showed how people were traveling after the Florida Spring breakers left. Overlaying the maps of those spring breakers’ travel with the maps of the virus spread shows correlation.
New Orleans is likely to become the next outbreak epicenter due to Mardis Gras and spring breakers. Though New York City is hit most severely.
We shouldn’t be rushing to make major decisions. Everything is going to be okay, if we all just take a minute and use logic.
What do you guys think?
The Fed's Cure is Worse Than the Disease
For more on the social and political aspects of what's happening with the illness right now, please see our other video: "This Is Not Over. Everyone Just Stay Calm".
In this video, Luke and Tim dive straight into the day's economic news, and WOW are they animated today!!!!
Topics Include:
* The Fed’s Balance Sheet Tops $5 Trillion
* A plug for our good friend, John Sneisen – The Economic Truth, whose website is the most up-to-date of anyone we know about.
* Zero Hedge – Fall of the Economy
* There is No Gold!
* Most Photographed Man on Wall Street Peter Tuchman has Virus
* Prophylactic Shortage
* Toilet paper and condoms are the currencies of the future.
* and so much more!
Please remember to stay calm in a crisis, and always treat each other well!

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Record Unemployment: People Are Optimistic, but Should They Be?
Record Unemployment. People Are Optimistic but Should They Be?
To kick things off, Luke dives straight into President Donald Trump's 96-0 Congratulations America tweet, which was a reference to the government approving the $2 Trillion Stimulus package.
Next, Luke gets into the record unemployment number, which now soars past 3 million and shows a vertical strip on the data chart, and Tim Picciott explains why April is likely to be even worse, with more unprecedented layoffs and terminations.
Even as the battle between Donald Trump and The Federal Reserve rages on, the economy continues to fall.
Finally, the guys remind viewers that a depression is likely to cause many suicides as death accompanies a terrible economy. Please remember to love each other.
Cases SURGE in New York & Is a 2nd Stimulus UBI Coming Already?
In our third video of the day, Luke and Tim dive into all of the day's biggest headlines not covered so far. These include:
* New York’s sickness death toll jumps 100 in one day.
* Cuomo admits his decision to quarantine all at once wasn’t best strategy.
* Oxford study indicates millions have already built immunity to virus.
* 14% of Recovered virus patients test positive AGAIN in China.
* Hospitals Consider Universal DNRs for patients with the sickness.
* US Marine tests positive & Pentagon announces 1st case.
* US military is withholding infection data.
* Bill Ackman made $2.6 Billion betting against the markets.
* Nancy Pelosi hints that $2 Trillion is just the beginning.